All NEMO Cooperation


OTE, a.s. (hereinafter 'OTE', Market Operator) was appointed by the Czech Energy Regulatory Office as a Nominated Electricity Market Operator (NEMO) ensuring the Day-Ahead and Intraday market coupling processes on 7 October 2015. According to Article 6 of the European Commission Regulation 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management (CACM Regulation), OTE has fulfilled all the needed criteria and requirements and therefore became responsible for the continuous operation and market coupling of the Day-Ahead and Intraday electricity markets in the Czech Republic.


Close cooperation between all European Nominated Electricity Market Operators is necessary for effective Day-Ahead and Intraday market couplings within the entire EU. OTE works closely with other European NEMOs to ensure the operation and development of the European electricity Single Day-Ahead ('SDAC') and Intraday Market Couplings ('SIDC'). This task is coordinated by the All NEMO Committee, which serves as a platform created for the purpose of preparing the implementation of the requirements of the CACM Regulation and creating a functional framework for the single European electricity market. Here you can download the OTE report (available only in English). More information about the role of the All NEMO Committee, its activities, organization, list of members or contractual arrangements can be found on the official website or on LinkedIn.


MCO Plan

Under Article 7 of the CACM Regulation, on 14 April 2016, the NEMOs submitted to all regulatory authorities ('NRAs') and to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (‘ACER’) the proposal for a plan that sets out how to jointly set up and perform the Market Coupling Operator Functions, the so-called MCO Plan.

The MCO Plan was unanimously approved in its final version by all NRAs on 20 June 2017 and includes:

  • the principles for the cooperation among all NEMOs and the establishment of the NEMO Committee with its roles and responsibilities,
  • draft agreements for cooperation between individual NEMOs,
  • formal adoption of PCR technical solution as a basis for an efficient implementation of the objectives for the SDAC as set out in Article 36 of CACM Regulation,
  • formal adoption of XBID technical solution as a basis for an efficient implementation of the objectives for the SIDC as set out in Article 36 of CACM Regulation,
  • a detailed description and the proposed roadmap for implementation of SDAC and SIDC, and
  • a description of the expected impact of the terms and conditions or methodologies on the establishment and performance of the MCO function.

The MCO plan can be downloaded from the NEMO Committee website here.


NEMOs tasks

Together with the MCO function, NEMOs are also in charge of following tasks within different timeframes:

  • collect bids and offers from market participants,
  • assess the results calculated by the MCO function,
  • inform market participants about the results of their orders,
  • act as central counter parties for clearing and settlement of the exchange of energy resulting from SDAC and SIDC,
  • establish requirements for SDAC and SIDC, MCO function and coupling algorithms,
  • jointly provide SDAC and SIDC cost forecasts and cost information to competent NRAs and, where relevant, to Transmission System Operators ('TSOs’),
  • establish jointly with relevant NEMOs and TSOs back-up procedures for national or regional market operation,
  • where applicable, in line with CACM Regulation, coordinate with TSOs to establish arrangements concerning more than one NEMO within a bidding zone and perform SDAC and/or SIDC in line with the approved arrangements.


Methodologies submitted pursuant to Article 9 of the CACM Regulation

Under Article 9(6) of the CACM Regulation, the Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) submitted proposals of the following terms and conditions or methodologies listed in the following table to all NRAs and ACER. The proposals were subject to public consultation (in line with Article 12 of the CACM Regulation). Details of the approval of each proposal are given in the table.

Methodology Submitted Request for amendment Approved
All NEMO proposals for the price coupling algorithm and for the continuous trading matching algorithm, also incorporating TSO and NEMO proposals for a common set of requirements, in accordance with Article 37(5) and 37 (1) of the CACM Regulation (Algorithm Methodology) By All NEMOs on July 31, 2019 - By ACER on January 30, 2020
(also incorporating TSOs' and NEMOs' proposals for a common set of Requirements pursuant to Article 5(2)(b) of Regulation (EU) 2019/942 and Article 53(1) of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222)
All NEMOs proposal for products that can be taken into account by NEMOs in a single intraday coupling process in accordance with Article 40 and Article 53 of the CACM Regulation (DA and ID Products Methodology) By All NEMOs on July 31, 2019 - By ACER on January 30, 2020
All NEMOs proposal for products that can be taken into account by NEMOs in a single day-ahead coupling process in accordance with Article 40 and Article 53 of the CACM Regulation (DA and ID Products Methodology) By All NEMOs on February 14, 2017 By all NRAs on August 14, 2019

By all NRAs on January 24, 2018

Reviewed by ACER on December 22, 2020

All NEMOs proposal for the backup methodology in accordance with Article 36(3) of the CACM Regulation (Back-up Methodology) By All NEMOs on February 17, 2017 By all NRAs on July 25, 2017 By all NRAs on January 24, 2018
All NEMOs proposal on harmonized maximum and minimum clearing prices to be applied in all bidding zones which participate in single day-ahead and single intraday couplings, in accordance with Art. 41 (2) and Art. 54 (2) of CACM (Harmonised min-max clearing price methodology) By All NEMOs on February 17, 2017 Escalated to ACER on August 2, 2017, and a public consultation process conducted by ACER on August 24, 2017

By ACER on November 14, 2017

Reviewed by ACER on January 10, 2023

Table 1 - Methodologies submitted according to Article 9 of the CACM Regulation

Links to individual methodologies can be found in the relevant section on the NEMO Committee website at

Based on the CACM Regulation, the All NEMO Committee is also required to annually report on the costs of establishing, amending and operating Single Day-Ahead and Single Intraday Coupling, the CACM Cost Report, and, based on the Algorithm Methodology, a report on the status of market coupling, the CACM Annual Report. The link to the relevant reports can be found below.


Year CACM Cost Report CACM Annual Report
2023 CACM Cost Report 2023 CACM Annual Report 2023
2022 CACM Cost Report 2022 CACM Annual Report 2022
2021 CACM Cost Report 2021 CACM Annual Report 2021

Tabulka 2 - Odkazy na příslušné reporty