01.10.2024 14:35:00

CO2 emitters in the Czech Republic have surrendered allowances

Most companies in the Czech Republic that are part of the European system emissions trading system (EU ETS) have fulfilled their legal obligation and surrendered allowances in the amount corresponding to their greenhouse gas emissions by 30th September. For the record of emissions and allowances, the single Union registry is used. In the Czech Republic, the registry is administered by the joint-stock company OTE. The EU ETS is a cornerstone of the EU's climate policy and its key tool to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It is the world's first carbon market and remains among the largest ones globally.

Obligation to surrender allowances by 30th September of the calendar year in a quantity corresponding to their greenhouse gas emissions emitted into the atmosphere in the previous year calendar year specifically applies to the operators of the installations for each installation, which has been issued a permit by the Ministry of the Environment to emit greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and aircraft operators for each aircraft that has an operating licence issued in the Czech Republic or falls under the administration of the Czech Republic according to the list of aircraft operators issued by the European Commission. This year, the obligation to surrender allowances has become mandatory for 6 aircraft operators and 221 stationary installations that are operated by 153 companies. Emissions for 2023 amounted to 46 934 736t CO2e, which is 18% less than in the previous year 2022.

155 companies surrendered allowances by the legal deadline, which is 97.5% of the total number. The companies that did not comply will be fined of approximately €100 for each allowance not surrendered.
Details on individual operators will be published in the coming days by the European Commission and on www.povolenky.cz.

Vývoj EU ETS emisí

The press release is in PDF format available here.