20.11.2020 17:45:00

European Single Intraday Coupling: One year of operation

A successful year has passed since the Czech Republic joined the European SIDC project.

November 19, 2020 marked the first year since the Czech intraday electricity market, organized by the market operator in cooperation with the transmission system operator ČEPS, a.s., coupled with the pan-European intraday market. “Looking back at it, we can conclude that this has had positive effects on both Czech and European markets,” says Jakub Šrom, head of Energy Markets department.

The recent trade development confirmed the upward trend that has been established since connecting to the pan-European market. During the first year of operation, 1,278,844 trades were concluded within the interconnected markets, with a total volume of 4,440 GWh.

“As the market operator, we appreciate the opportunity this European project has brought us. We hope that in the following period, our trading platform can provide market participants with even more business options, thus contributing to the further development of short-term markets,” adds Member of the Board OTE, a.s., Igor Chemišinec.

The intraday market coupling fulfills the objectives of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management. Cross-border trading helps secure free trade and leads to the development of electricity markets.

Learn more at www.ote-cr.cz, https://www.ote-cr.cz/en/about-ote/ote-news/integration-of-ote-to-the-cross-border-trading-on-ote-intra-day-market-in-the-frame-of-sidc?set_language=en


Press release.pdf