01.07.2024 19:35:00

CACM Annual Report on the Single Day-Ahead and Intraday Market Coupling in Europe 2023

OTE, a.s., as the Nominated Electricity Market Operator in the Czech Republic, in cooperation with other Nominated Electricity Market Operators and Transmission System Operators in Europe, prepared the CACM Annual Report 2023. The report provides a comprehensive overview of events within Single Day-Ahead ('SDAC') and Intraday Coupling ('SIDC') in 2023 and presents an overview of the market coupling algorithms operated from now to the future, including the research and development activities being carried out. 

This report is prepared on the basis of Commission Regulation 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management ('CACM Regulation') and related algorithm methodologies. 

CACM Annual Report 2023 is available for download here. 

The Report will be presented by the NEMO Committee at the 2nd Annual Conference to be held on 19 September 2024 in Athens. Interested parties can participate in the event both physically and online. The program of the conference will be published during the summer. Please, see the invitation to the conference here. The market operator cordially invites you to this event! 

The official press release of the NEMO Committee can be read here. 

Pozvánka na NEMO konferenci v Aténách