15.09.2023 15:00:00

All NEMOs and all TSOs publish CACM Cost Report 2022

All Nominated Electricity Market Operators and all Transmission System Operators have long-term cooperation on the implementation, development, and operation of the single day-ahead coupling ('SDAC' - Single Day-Ahead Coupling) and the intraday market coupling ('SIDC' – Single Intraday Coupling). The results achieved in the short-term markets in the past have once again confirmed the importance of these markets for managing the energy crisis in the turbulent times that have occurred in the electricity market in the past two years.

With reference to Article 80 of Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 (the CACM Regulation), the Market Coupling Steering Committee ('MCSC') publishes CACM Cost Report 2022 covering costs of establishment, amendment and operation of the single day and intraday electricity market for 2022. CACM Cost Report 2022 also includes, among other things, a closer explanation of the principles of the single market and the benefits that the single market brings to market participants, as well as the forecast of costs for 2023 and the costs of individual projects implemented by NEMOs and TSOs in certain regions. The CACM Cost Report 2022 can be found here.

The press release of the NEMO Committee is available for download here.