Important change in the data CDSDATA format for submission of electricity measurement data in the OTE information system as of 1.2.2024
We pay your attention to the significant change in the data CDSDATA format for submission of the continuous electricity measurement data as of 1.2.2024.
The new optimised CDSDATA format will be only used and accepted in the information system CS OTE for the submission of data on electricity production/consumption at consumption points with continuous metering (type A and B). As of 1st February 2024 this change also apply to the submission of electricity data for the previous time period, i.e. for the period up to January 2024.
This change will be implemented in the information system CS OTE (electricity part) on 31st January 2024 in the evening - the exact time will be announced in advance via the CS OTE portal noticeboard. The market operator reserves the right to change the deployment date.
This change and related information was already announced on 21. 11. 2023 at the informational webinar. The presentation from this webinar and information about this change is available on the OTE website: .
The market operator also reminds all electricity market participants that from 1st December 2023 it is already possible to test the submission of continuous electricity metering data in the new optimised CDSDATA format in the market operator's Sandbox test environment. We strongly recommend all electricity market participants to test data submission, data reception or data processing in the Sandbox test environment data in the new CDSDATA format before the change on February 1, 2024.
In the near future the optimized format of the CDSDATA message will allow to send data from continuous electricity measurements in periods of 15/60 min. During the period 1.2.2024-30.6.2024 this new format will be used for electricity data submission from continuous electricity measurements only in hourly (60 min) granularity.
In case of any question, please, do not hesitate to contact us via .