07.01.2025 14:30:00

Information on the Introduction of 15-Minute Products on the Day-Ahead Electricity Market in the Czech Republic

In light of the upcoming introduction of a 15-minute trading interval on the day-ahead electricity market (DAM), we are providing more detailed information through a presentation that outlines the key impacts of this change on trading activities within DAM in the Czech Republic.

The go-live date for the 15-minute trading interval on DAM has been set, in collaboration with European nominated market operators (NEMOs) and transmission system operators (TSOs), for June 11, 2025, for the delivery day of June 12, 2025 (see the joint NEMO and TSO press release dated December 19, 2024).


We are pleased to invite you to an online webinar on March 5th, from 10:00 to 11:30 (The webinar will be held in Czech only. An English version of the presented material will be made available afterwards). The webinar will provide the latest information on the introduction of 15-minute products on DAM in the Czech Republic.  An invitation to the webinar will be sent to market participants via CS OTE.


Detailed information regarding the mentioned changes, including the presentation and related documentation, can be found on the OTE website:

Transition to a 15-minute settlement and trading period for the electricity commodity — English

If you have any questions, please send them to the email address market@ote-cr.cz . Their summary can be found in the "Questions and Answers" document.