19.06.2024 13:21:21

Invitation to the Market Coupling Consultative Group Meeting

We would like to invite all market participants to the sixth Market Coupling Consultative Group meeting (MCCG), which takes place on Thursday, June 27, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:300 p.m. Participants will have an opportunity to discuss and share views with the NEMOs* and TSOs on the current developments in the Single Day-Ahead and Intraday Couplings (‘SDAC’, ‘SIDC’) such as the introduction of 15-minute market time unit in short-term electricity markets or intraday auctions. Detailed agenda can be found here.

Should you wish to join the MCCG, please click here to register.

*OTE, a.s. as a Nominated Electricity Market Operator (‘NEMO‘) in the Czech Republic has been a member of the All NEMO Committee since 2015.