24.09.2024 14:25:00

OTE, a.s. at the NEMO Committee’s Annual Conference in Athens

On September 23, 2024, the NEMO Committee’s 2nd Annual Conference took place in Athens, welcoming representatives from the energy sector. The conference was organized by Nominated Electricity Market Operators (‘NEMOs’) from across Europe. Ondřej Máca, Head of Market Development at OTE, a.s. and Chairman of the NEMO IDSC (Nominated Electricity Market Operator Intraday Steering Committee), also actively participated in the panel titled "20 YEARS OF INTEGRATED MARKETS IN EUROPE: WHAT'S NEXT?". The meeting provided a comprehensive overview of the progress in integrating European electricity markets, challenges faced, and key topics for the upcoming period.

Crucial discussions centered around the future development of the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (‘SDAC’) and Single Intraday Coupling (‘SIDC’) markets, particularly in light of the European electricity market reform (‘EMD’), which came into effect in July this year, as well as the expectations for the upcoming CACM 2.0 Regulation (‘CACM,’ Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of July 24, 2015, establishing a guideline on capacity allocation and congestion management).

The conference also provided an opportunity to present the 2023 CACM Annual Report. In the closing session related to the integration of non-EU countries, particularly those associated through the Energy Community (‘EnC’), the status and complexity of future integration of EnC members into the Single Day-Ahead and Intraday Coupling (‘SDAC‘ a ‘SIDC‘) was discussed. During the panel discussion, Ondřej Máca emphasized that open dialogue and continuous cooperation among all stakeholders are essential to ensuring the stability and efficiency of the European electricity market.

Further details can be found in the official NEMO Committee press release here.