Annual GOs transactions

Statistics are updated every second calendar day of month M for month M-1.
Item Electricity Biomethan Heat Hydrogen Summ
Amount of issued GOs 2 644 759 5 965 26 086 0 2 676 810
Amount of GOs in domestic transfers 1 380 809 8 532 25 644 0 1 414 985
Amount of GOs from incoming international transfers 1 504 161 0 0 0 1 504 161
Amount of GOs from outcoming international transfers 2 395 286 1 463 0 0 2 396 749
Amount of cancelled GOs 2 384 712 1 420 26 085 0 2 412 217
Amount of expired GOs on request 0 0 0 0 0
Amount of expired GOs after validity 10 761 17 0 0 10 778