Financial Security

1. Parametric prices

Starting from the delivery day of August 17th 2024 and lasting until further notice, the new parametric price in amount of 5.000 CZK/MWh will be set up in CS OTE for evaluation of positive imbalance (current parametric price was set to 7.500 CZK/MWh). 

Starting from the delivery day of March 21st  2025 and lasting until further notice, parametric price for negative imbalance risk exposure evaluation is set to 10.000 CZK/MWh (previous parametric price was set to 12.000 CZK/MWh). 

2. Bank account details for increasing financial security related to power trading

Bank account nr.: 27-5868530287/0100
IBAN: CZ37 0100 0000 2758 6853 0287

Bank: Komerční banka, a.s.
Address: VÁCLAVSKÉ NÁM. 42
114 07 PRAHA 1


3. Documents to download

4. Market Operator rate

In accordance with provision 7.5 of OTE’s business terms for the power sector, OTE’s interest rate for accruals related to the funds of the financial security (deposited) in OTE’s account is for relevant day and PRIBOR O/N rate until 31st January 2024, included, set as:


Market operator's bank rate

Market operator's rate

≤ 0,8 % p.a.

< 0,0 % p.a.

Market operator’s bank rate for legal entities’ current accounts

≥ 0,0 % p.a.

0,0 % p.a.

> 0,8 % p.a.


PRIBOR O/N – 0,800 p.b.

In accordance with provision 7.5 of OTE’s business terms for the power sector, OTE’s interest rate for accruals related to the funds of the financial security (deposited) in OTE’s account is for relevant day and PRIBOR O/N rate from 1st February 2024 set as:


Market operator's bank rate

Market operator's rate

≤ 0,94 % p.a.

< 0,0 % p.a.

Market operator’s bank rate for legal entities’ current accounts

≥ 0,0 % p.a.

0,0 % p.a.

> 0,94 % p.a.


PRIBOR O/N – 0,940 p.b.

PRIBOR O/N – Over-night PRIBOR rate in the market for bank deposits for relevant day published by Czech National Bank

Market operator’s bank – Komerční banka, a.s.


5. OTE risk management contacts

If you have any questions, please contact the risk management department:

Ing. Ondřej Houdek +420 234 686 403
Bc. Martin Čermák +420 234 686 409
Ing. Ondřej Záviský +420 234 686 400