Parameters of short-term markets


Day-ahead market (DAM)

Continuous intraday market (IM)

Intraday auctions (IDA)

type of market auction continuous matching auction
trading period 1 hour 1 hour, 15-min. * 15-min. **
minimum volume 0.1 MW 0.1 MW 0.1 MW
maximum volume 2,999 MW 999 MW 2,999 MW
quantity tick 0.1 MW 0.1 MW 0.1 MW
trading currency EUR EUR EUR
minimum price -500 EUR/MWh -9,999 EUR/MWh -9,999 EUR/MWh
maximum price  4,000 EUR/MWh  9,999 EUR/MWh  9,999 EUR/MWh
price tick 0.01 EUR/MWh 0.01 EUR/MWh 0.01 EUR/MWh
zero price option YES YES YES
market opens at 30 days 15:00 D-1 IDA1: 11:00 D-1
IDA2: 16:00 D-1
IDA3: 23:00 D-1
market closes at 12:00 D-1 H-5 minutes IDA1: 15:00 D-1
IDA2: 22:00 D-1
IDA3: 10:00 D   
  • D = Delivery Day
  • H = Delivery hour

Threshold values of market-clearing prices for the second auction in the CZ market (valid as of 22/06/2023):
- upper threshold value: EUR +1500/MWh
- lower threshold value: EUR -500/MWh"

Types of block orders supported on the Day-ahead market - Profile Block Order, Exclusive Group of Profile Block Orders, Linked Profile Block Orders
Types of block orders supported on Intraday Auctions - Profile Block Order, Exclusive Group of Profile Block Orders, Linked Profile Block Orders

Electricity markets(in PDF format)

* From July 1, 2024 (delivery day), a 15-min. trading period for the Continuous Intraday Market has been added to the 60-minute trading period (i.e. it is possible to trade both 15-min. and 60-min. products on Continuous Intraday Market)

** From July 1, 2024 (delivery day), the trading period of Intraday Auctions has switched from 60-min. to a 15-min. trading period (i.e. only 15-min. products are allowed to be traded at Intraday Auctions)