Supplier Changes

Month Total Metering type Voltage level Category
January 141 240 4 009 18 617 117 767 847 41 6 132 134 234 833 4 274 7 371 78 348 49 758 1 489
February 37 885 209 3 542 34 123 11 2 246 37 629 8 140 2 004 7 070 28 597 74
March 35 295 246 4 551 30 489 9 19 220 35 047 9 133 2 754 6 509 25 884 15
April 35 697 157 3 704 31 830 6 1 142 35 549 5 62 2 114 6 096 27 410 15
May 37 670 163 3 830 33 659 18 4 164 37 484 18 72 2 007 6 685 28 884 22
June 37 894 154 4 382 33 347 11 0 126 37 760 8 49 2 261 6 748 28 824 12
July 38 301 173 4 803 33 322 3 13 171 38 115 2 100 2 963 7 752 27 479 7
August 33 671 123 3 650 29 892 6 0 142 33 524 5 87 1 934 6 391 25 251 8
September 34 003 103 3 069 30 819 12 0 112 33 882 9 51 1 661 6 191 26 085 15
October 40 726 153 3 137 37 423 13 6 162 40 549 9 75 1 548 6 752 32 336 15
November 46 769 257 3 406 43 092 14 4 204 46 550 11 84 1 517 7 356 37 793 19
Year sum 519 151 5 747 56 691 455 763 950 90 7 821 510 323 917 5 127 28 134 145 898 338 301 1 691

The table shows the count of Point of Deliveries (PoD), where was finished a process change of supplier:
  • Total number of PoD where process change of supplier was finished in given month, (if there are more parallel changes of supplier for one PoD on the same day, this is considered like one change of supplier),
  • segmented view according to metering type in accordance with notice 82/2011 Sb:
    A = continual metering with daily data transfer,
    B = continual metering with monthly data transfer,
    C = metering with data read yearly and
    sum completion = PoD used for losses in grid,
  • segmented view according to voltage levels (VL):
    VHV = VL 400 kV, 220 kV a 110 kV,
    HV = VL 35 kV, 22 kV, 10 kV, 6 kV a 3 kV,
    LV = VL 0,4 kV,
    NA = PoD, where the voltage level cannot be determined,
  • segmented view according to category:
    DGI ICS = data for grid-usage invoicing, industrial consumer segment,
    SRC = energy sources,
    DGI RCS1 = data for grid-usage invoicing, retail customer segment - business, TDD classes 1, 2, 3, 8,
    DGI RCS2 = data for grid-usage invoicing, retail customer segment - households, TDD classes 4, 5, 6, 7 and
    NA = sum completion PoD and other PoD, where category of PoD cannot be determined.
Note: If the original and the new supplier are identical when switching, this is not counted as a change of supplier in this table. The only exception are cases when the point of delivery has shifted from the "supplier of last resort" mode to the "standard supply“ mode, whereas the electricity supply in both modes is provided by the same electricity supplier.
Changes of balance responsible party at points of delivery or prolongation of the supply of energy by the original supplier, is not counted in the table.